Saturday, March 3, 2012


Hello Strangers,

I apologize for not writing anything sooner. Thank you Fay for reminding me every Monday that I have not written anything. The truth is that I was at a poin
t where nothing was happening. When writing notes for my patients, I always have a lot to say when something happens that changes how well the person is doing. When nothing or almost nothing changes, it is a short note. This week something big changed, so I want to share a couple of things.
My friends at work know that I watch a lot of trash TV. No
body knows the happenings of the ladies of Beverly Hills or Orange County better than I do. At the end of the day, Liz and I are winding down and I watch what she watches. Yes, I do get hooked. So recently she started watching Oprah new interview formats. I stayed awake through George Lucas and some of Steven Tyler, but the other night she watched Tony Robbins, the motivational speaker.

I started watching thinking the guy would be full of shit. Some dude who figured out the right things to say to get people to pay him money to talk. Then I started hearing him and maybe I just got sucked in, but it made sense. At this point, I only remember a couple of key points, but he did talk about how we all have a story. It is a story about our lives we tell ourselves that either holds us back or pushes us forward.
It is documented in this blog, that I am stuck on the story of how people picking on me made me fat. The story of me believing what people said that guided me to over eating. I am not saying that it is not true, but that story is OVER. I need a new story. I want my new story to be how I lost a butt load of weight and inspired other people to do the same.
That takes me to where I was over the last few weeks. I was stuck right above 230. I would do great during the week, but the weekend would come and I just forgot about doing the right thing. I am not lying when I say I kept thinking to myself, I can't break the barrier. I mad
e myself believe it was some problem my body had, but the only problem is my arm kept shoving food in my mouth.
Her is the other part of the Oprah interview I remember. Apparently at the end of his workshops, Tony Robbins makes people walk on fire (hot coals). Now I don't think he has some sweet deals with podiatry clinics everywhere he goes...his rationale makes sense. We see something that scares us and immediately turn the other way. If you see hot coals, you get the F away. His goal is to inspire people to take on the challenge and know that you can do it.

So this past week, I Fire Walked. I stopped the old story, I faced the challenge and I did it. I broke a huge barrier for myself. I broke the 230 mark and it feels AWESOME! It feels awesome because it was easy once I allowed myself to think it was OK to push forward. What did I do:
1. absolutely no sodas
2. Lean Cuisine every day for lunch (except Friday)
To expand on #3, I remember what I wrote the first day. If I rely on myself all the time, I let myself down. If i know others rely on me, I work harder to not let people down. I sometimes think this blog is silly because it started for me motivating myself. I think who the hell cares if I got off my ass to lose weight. Then I remembered that somebody might read this and it could change their life like mine is changing. Reading this could change the story someone tells themselves (not even having to do with weight). Inspiration comes from places where you might not expected...I got it from watching Oprah.
I got out of 240...I got out of 230 and will NOT head back. My next milestone in 200. Ladies and Gentlemen, my new story is that I am changing my life and walking on fire.

1 comment:

  1. I'm proud of you Compadre. I know it's a tough road but definitely a road worth choosing. You're off to a great start in your journey! Just keep that momentum going. It's good to write down all the things that are happening. It makes it real, as weird as it sounds. And make sure you celebrate those victories! Chip away at that mountain! You got this brotha!
